Diesel and Jett

Diesel and Jett

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Diesel and the small child...

The noisy, small child says Diesel is HIS dog "because Jetty is a napper." I only nipped him once or twice (ok, maybe more) and he deserved it.... Anyway, I am glad he is more fond of Diesel - gives me some much needed peace...

I knew if I waited it out, Diesel would show his old ways. I have been promoted with Mother again, as Diesel is the one getting up at 0330 now. He also has been naughty, chewing and shredding and still thinks it is permissible to relieve himself indoors.

 Mother was disappointed in us both, as we killed a snake - we have moved on from bunnies as the young ones have gotten bigger and smarter. We thought she would be proud we got the snake, but she was sad that we teamed up against it. It does not make sense to any of us, including Father, as she hates snakes. Diesel was found "pointing" at the snake and pawing at it with one paw.  Father is worried that we did that in case it was ever a rattly type....


  1. Way to go, little Nappers!!! And, I might say, Fearless Hunters!!! Yes, TeamWork is the way to go with snakes!!! Good Job!!! Cousin Brock thinks it would be really grrreat if he could do what you Guys do!!!!
    Roos All Round!!! Grammy Sally

  2. You may stay with me and get all the snakes (although I haven't seen any), and nip the cat who needs his attitude adjusted.

  3. Hey Jetty boy, Jake and Albert are glad to hear that you've moved on from rabbits, cuz they love rabbits, especially their little friend, Thump. Be careful with those slithery snakes, though... don't want one of em to bite you back.

  4. Oh Joan - when can we move in??? A cat - we have never had one of those!

  5. Grammy Sally, my Momma says she thinks we may have been "trained" to do all this as youngsters in your care since you are so proud of our behavior... I am glad you understand our work.

  6. Dear Jett and Diesel,
    Please come soon, I need some Scotty therapy.

  7. Awww... we are THE BEST Scotties for therapy Joan. Especially me. I am tiny, love being in laps and kiss like no other. I LOVE kissing and am relentless with the licks... We are sending Scottie kisses you way!
