Diesel and Jett

Diesel and Jett

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Yellowstone. Haven't we already been here? WE drove for miles to come back to the same place. Diesel Dog sits in the back with the noisy child, and I relax on Papa's knee. Out again this year for a picture by a sign - I don't understand this, but Diesel likes any excuse to lift his leg. 

Finally - some decent camping arrangements! Mother bought us a bed to keep my coat off the cold ground, only Diesel thinks it is his. The small child has claimed me as "his" dog and wants to be with me, so I am thankful Diesel steps in and keeps him away from me on the bed. 

So many buffalo, and Diesel is determined to get one. He has trouble with his intention tremor when he gets excited, and when he starts barking and wobbling his head, I am certain the bison only laugh.

We had fun walking along Lake Yellowstone with Samuel and as you can see, had beautiful surroundings in the campground as we anxiously awaited breakfast...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Scotties 2, Bunnies Zero

Mother is most upset with me. She will not look at me. She will not let me kiss her. She will not even let me in her lap. I was just playing with the big rabbit several weeks ago, then he stopped playing. Then, today, the little tiny baby bunny looked just like the new toy I got for my birthday last night. Mother was chasing me around the garden while I ran away with it. When I finally dropped it, just as I was going to eat it, she had to catch Diesel and I both and carry us inside so we did not eat it. Mother says his Momma will be very sad she lost her baby. I think I will not be allowed on the bed tonight.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

On the road AGAIN!

Well, all has been quiet here since Miss Ivy has been in RV storage. Now she is back out, I am losing my comforts of home and being dragged around from campsite to campsite, living like a gypsy. As you can see, Diesel loves the wind in his fur and cannot get enough camping. I am happy when I am sitting on Papa's lap while we travel. This is our first trip this year to Rifle Falls State Park in Colorado and Dinosaur National Monument in Utah - that is me smiling on the rock. I was so happy to get back home and get my coat cleaned. Now Mother and Father are talking - talking about what we need for the next trip to another country... and back to the Grizzly Bears in Yellowstone. I hope I can stay home.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

The small child got us a fish, a mushroom and broccoli for Valentine's Day. We had fun fighting over them. The last picture is the Valentine Card we gave to Father. The small child made it for us.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

The small child loves Diesel. Just because he doesn't bite. I am glad they are friends so he leaves me alone. I cannot be bothered with his noise and play. I still hope they will adopt him out to a small child rescue.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Show Down

Mother is most upset. She said I could have been killed, or worst yet, gotten Diesel killed. The small child made us a path in the snow - we had a big storm yesterday. It completely buries us. We cannot make it out into the yard. That didn't stop me tonight. Mother heard a lot of commotion and came outside. I was chasing a buck, with one antler, around the garden. The snow was up to his shoulders, and I was buried in it, but I didn't care. I jumped head first into the snow so I could get him. I ran as hard as I could and almost nipped his legs before he jumped away. Diesel was stuck behind me, not as agile as I, and he was buried in a drift by now. Mother came out and the buck walked up to her, looking over his shoulder at me. She told him he better jump the fence, and so he did. We still won't come in and Momma says when we do, there will be no treats.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Banana Legs

Diesel and I went to the Veterinarian for our annual check up. This is an xray of Diesel's leg - he has twisted legs and walks kind of funny. Two vets looked at them and were a little worried about his growth plates so they did a quick xray. All is well (like Grammy Sally said), he just has legs shaped like bananas. Mother and Father call him their "Spare Parts Scottie." When all the Scotties were made, they took what was left in the box and put Diesel together.

I was successful at the vet!! I earned the badge of honor I hoped I would get and I had "CAUTION" added to my chart! I am so pleased! Angus, my predecessor who lived here before, was a "CAUTION" and I thought, what a wonderful thing to be! Sadly, mine only says "Caution with needles," but I will add to that in future visits. I want to be a "CAUTION" like Angus - only without the muzzle.  What did she expect me to do when she stuck a needle in my neck. Of course I went for her - three times!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Jett vs Buck

Father and Mother said I could have gotten into a lot of trouble. I went outside and found a buck relaxing under the trees. So, I did what I was supposed to. I charged him, barking ferociously and went for his legs. Oh, I saw him off alright. I don't think he will be back. He should have not been in my yard. I don't understand my family - they will let anything into the yard - bunnies, birds and deer. They are lucky to have me to police the area and to see them off.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

Diesel was caught stealing Santa's cookies on Christmas Eve. I was busy napping on the back of the couch. Yes, I know I am not allowed up there, but I am a Scottie and so I do what I want when I want. That is why I decided to help myself to some Christmas dinner - it was not on the good china this year, so I thought why not?

Diesel is not allowed on the small child's new red beanbag from Santa so he added a pillow and called it good. There seem to be so many rules and regulations in our home, that it is impossible not to infringe upon them. That is why we get into trouble, not because we are naughty.

Happy New Year from Jett and Diesel!