Diesel and Jett

Diesel and Jett

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Yellowstone. Haven't we already been here? WE drove for miles to come back to the same place. Diesel Dog sits in the back with the noisy child, and I relax on Papa's knee. Out again this year for a picture by a sign - I don't understand this, but Diesel likes any excuse to lift his leg. 

Finally - some decent camping arrangements! Mother bought us a bed to keep my coat off the cold ground, only Diesel thinks it is his. The small child has claimed me as "his" dog and wants to be with me, so I am thankful Diesel steps in and keeps him away from me on the bed. 

So many buffalo, and Diesel is determined to get one. He has trouble with his intention tremor when he gets excited, and when he starts barking and wobbling his head, I am certain the bison only laugh.

We had fun walking along Lake Yellowstone with Samuel and as you can see, had beautiful surroundings in the campground as we anxiously awaited breakfast...