Diesel and Jett

Diesel and Jett

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ooh La La

Her name is Raven. I love her long legs, her French accent, her poofy hair. Raven and her Mom came camping with us. I like Raven - I think she is beautiful! But Diesel does not like other dogs much. The first time he met Raven was on Christmas Day. Diesel had only be in our home for a week when Raven came to visit. Instead of making a new friend, Diesel went and lifted his leg on Raven - "making her my own" he said. Raven has never forgotten.

Raven was on the news and in the newspaper. A French movie star!  She had a human pacemaker put into her heart because it wasn't working right. Momma says I should move on, that I shouldn't get mixed up with a girl like that, wired all wrong. Momma says I can do better; that I should find a girl with less baggage... Sometimes Momma calls her Radon.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The door was open, so I went....

More trouble. Father was taking us out in the car as Momma had someone coming for pictures. Since Diesel cannot walk down stairs, Father picked him up to carry him to the car. The door was open, so off I went! Bunnies to chase! Owls to find! I could hear howling on the open space last night, what was that?? I was off like a rocket. Father felt my fur bush by his legs as I darted outside without my leash. I planned it carefully. I sat very quietly on the couch until he started to open the door with Diesel in his arms. He had barely opened the door - just enough space for little Jett! Off I went!

What fun I had, running down the street, going to the mailboxes, headed to the open space.... Father kept yelling, "Jett! Jett! Jett SIT!" This was no time to practice sitting - I had work to do. I would listen to Father later.

I got to the entrance to the open space when Father yelled again, and I thought I better stop. He picked me up and was not as proud of me as I thought he would be. He said the girlie Ivy that used to live here did that once. Momma says every Scottie she has had has done it ONCE except the blonde one and Diesel. They seem very controlling - keeping us fenced in the yard like that. True, it is ample size. But they have padlocks on the gates so no one can leave them open and let us run. They even have a gate on the front porch to keep us in! They talk of the open space as though it is dangerous. There is no freedom. And all those bunnies outside...

Monday, September 19, 2011

We are in SO much trouble....

We are in so much trouble, Momma won't even post our pictures. Bunny #4. We were just playing, but then Diesel had to bring the "pelt" inside - twice... I tried to tell Momma he just wanted her to make him some bunny slippers for Christmas. She was still not happy. She was even more disappointed when she went to let us out and found bunny in her bedroom. She said, "Jett - OUT and take it with you." I thought I better do what she say. Now her and Father are talking about what to do, as Momma says this is too traumatic for all. Plus, I was not feeling too well after eating it.  Father says if we had opposable thumbs we could light the BBQ. Momma did not find that funny. She says she is worried about us getting a Dzeeze.  She saw two bunnies frolicking in the yard tonight, so she let Diesel out alone first, as he is not very coordinated and slow, so she hoped he would warn the bunnies before I got there, as I am quicker than any bunny. I think the frolicking may mean more bunnies for me!  

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Diesel and the small child...

The noisy, small child says Diesel is HIS dog "because Jetty is a napper." I only nipped him once or twice (ok, maybe more) and he deserved it.... Anyway, I am glad he is more fond of Diesel - gives me some much needed peace...

I knew if I waited it out, Diesel would show his old ways. I have been promoted with Mother again, as Diesel is the one getting up at 0330 now. He also has been naughty, chewing and shredding and still thinks it is permissible to relieve himself indoors.

 Mother was disappointed in us both, as we killed a snake - we have moved on from bunnies as the young ones have gotten bigger and smarter. We thought she would be proud we got the snake, but she was sad that we teamed up against it. It does not make sense to any of us, including Father, as she hates snakes. Diesel was found "pointing" at the snake and pawing at it with one paw.  Father is worried that we did that in case it was ever a rattly type....