Diesel and Jett

Diesel and Jett

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ooh La La

Her name is Raven. I love her long legs, her French accent, her poofy hair. Raven and her Mom came camping with us. I like Raven - I think she is beautiful! But Diesel does not like other dogs much. The first time he met Raven was on Christmas Day. Diesel had only be in our home for a week when Raven came to visit. Instead of making a new friend, Diesel went and lifted his leg on Raven - "making her my own" he said. Raven has never forgotten.

Raven was on the news and in the newspaper. A French movie star!  She had a human pacemaker put into her heart because it wasn't working right. Momma says I should move on, that I shouldn't get mixed up with a girl like that, wired all wrong. Momma says I can do better; that I should find a girl with less baggage... Sometimes Momma calls her Radon.


  1. Momma's right, Jetty boy. You need a cute little lassie with short legs and a scottish accent.

  2. I remember your Momma telling us about this French Lady Doggie when Diesel came to join your Clan. She may not be a "Scottie Lassie", but she's a verrrry classy French Lassie who is quite the "Miracle Girl" for sure ... Hope that brother Diesel has learned better manners by now!!
    'Roos All 'Round, dear ones!
