Diesel and Jett

Diesel and Jett

Monday, September 19, 2011

We are in SO much trouble....

We are in so much trouble, Momma won't even post our pictures. Bunny #4. We were just playing, but then Diesel had to bring the "pelt" inside - twice... I tried to tell Momma he just wanted her to make him some bunny slippers for Christmas. She was still not happy. She was even more disappointed when she went to let us out and found bunny in her bedroom. She said, "Jett - OUT and take it with you." I thought I better do what she say. Now her and Father are talking about what to do, as Momma says this is too traumatic for all. Plus, I was not feeling too well after eating it.  Father says if we had opposable thumbs we could light the BBQ. Momma did not find that funny. She says she is worried about us getting a Dzeeze.  She saw two bunnies frolicking in the yard tonight, so she let Diesel out alone first, as he is not very coordinated and slow, so she hoped he would warn the bunnies before I got there, as I am quicker than any bunny. I think the frolicking may mean more bunnies for me!  


  1. Aww, Jetty boy, our little Thump is very worried that you might come to visit Jake and Albert and he will be forced to hide from you and that naughty Diesel. ;)
