Diesel and Jett

Diesel and Jett

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Trying to get Brownie points...

Diesel has been promoted. Momma always said what a sweet, perfect Scottie I was. The other day I heard her telling Father what a good boy Diesel was becoming, that he was even behaving better than me!!! All I do is ask to go out at 0300 am. Then, I like to sit outside and enjoy the moonlight. I would come in, but I have to look for bunnies. When I do finally come in, I just need a belly rub to help me sleep. Momma is too tired to rub my belly for long, so then I go wake Diesel up so we can play. Then I get in trouble for frapping on the bed. Then I get sent off the bed. Momma says she hopes it is just a stage, or they may try and trade me in for a girlie!

The noisy child fell asleep on the sofa, so I decided to sit by him and look cute and protective. It worked. Father got Mother and they thought it was "so cute." I thought all was better until Momma found me with HER slipper in MY house at 0600 and she was woke up again...

Monday, August 8, 2011

Mesa Verde National Park

 Diesel thought is was boring here, and as you can see, walked away. I liked all the smells and things to see. It had rained, so there were LOTS of new smells. We were not allowed in the little houses and it was too hot to be left alone, so Momma took us on walkies instead - we could see the ruins from the cliffs. Not to worry - we are on leashes in all these pictures. Momma likes to take them off in her "competer."

Friday, August 5, 2011

Diesel is an addict...

Mother and Father are quite worried. Diesel has started "huffing." He spends all his time inhaling the air from the vent in the RV when we drive. He will stand like this for great lengths of time inhaling. Notice the mess he has created on the window behind him... I am certain none of that is my squiggle art.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hot Dogs and Sand!

We are off again. This time to the Great Sand Dunes National Park. First stop was Coney Island - a giant hotdog in the mountains near Bailey, Colorado. Then we were off to the Sand Dunes, where we stayed overnight. We went to the dunes the next day, but Father would not let us on the sand with a sand temperature of 145 degrees F. Father prefers us to the small child, as he did not hesitate to let him on the sand barefoot. He was protecting our pads. Mother was not happy, as she will sacrifice anything for a photograph, including our tender paws...