Diesel and Jett

Diesel and Jett

Monday, September 26, 2011

The door was open, so I went....

More trouble. Father was taking us out in the car as Momma had someone coming for pictures. Since Diesel cannot walk down stairs, Father picked him up to carry him to the car. The door was open, so off I went! Bunnies to chase! Owls to find! I could hear howling on the open space last night, what was that?? I was off like a rocket. Father felt my fur bush by his legs as I darted outside without my leash. I planned it carefully. I sat very quietly on the couch until he started to open the door with Diesel in his arms. He had barely opened the door - just enough space for little Jett! Off I went!

What fun I had, running down the street, going to the mailboxes, headed to the open space.... Father kept yelling, "Jett! Jett! Jett SIT!" This was no time to practice sitting - I had work to do. I would listen to Father later.

I got to the entrance to the open space when Father yelled again, and I thought I better stop. He picked me up and was not as proud of me as I thought he would be. He said the girlie Ivy that used to live here did that once. Momma says every Scottie she has had has done it ONCE except the blonde one and Diesel. They seem very controlling - keeping us fenced in the yard like that. True, it is ample size. But they have padlocks on the gates so no one can leave them open and let us run. They even have a gate on the front porch to keep us in! They talk of the open space as though it is dangerous. There is no freedom. And all those bunnies outside...


  1. Ahh, Jetty boy, life is so complicated, isn't it? You just don't even know how lucky you are that Momma and Father are so controlling (you should try using the word 'caring' instead!). Be safe, our little black furry friend. And by the way, do you think maybe you could teach Diesel to walk down the stairs by himself? ;)

    Jake and Albert say hi.

  2. Oh, Jett,

    They love you. It would hurt their heart if they were to lose you or if someone were to steal you.

    Raven did that twice. She went to the neighbor's homeschool once. She loves kids but obviously didn't learn much that day. Later she ran through the neighborhood early one morning. What a goober!!!


  3. Jett, Jett, Jett. Our gates have padlocks, too, just to keep our little Scotties, Scamp and Mitty safe. Once someone left the gates open intentionally and I had to chase my little Mitty around the neighborhood. She enjoyed her brief romp, but I just about had heart failure. Her great uncle, our first Scottie, Mac, took a walk one day toward the main road; fortunately I caught up with him before he met the traffic. Must be something in your Scottish blood which encourages the wandering and bunny/squirrel searching.

  4. Well, well, well, wee Jett, I hope your Papa learned a lesson!!! No matter how old, how strong, how mellow you Wee Ones are, you are born with the GO TO GROUND instinct, and those wee legs can take you faster than speeding bullets, when you decide it's time to hunt and explore!! Just glad it turned out okay! After all, you were just doing what comes naturally!!!
    'Roos All 'Round!
    Grammy Sally

  5. How come Jake and Albert get to go out without a leash and my Momma says no? I will be good - I will stay close just like Jake and Albert! I promise!

  6. Jett's Momma is glad Raven, Mitty and Mac all made it home safe! Nothing more scary than a Scottie on the loose - and no one is more careful than Jett's Daddy! He is obsessive about keeping his boys safe, but that little black Jett was off. So glad he stopped before the open space filled with coyotes...
